Lead Management

Are You Sitting on a Hidden Goldmine of Leads?

In your CRM, you have a huge database of prospects that can bring about incredible results. Here are some simple ways to take advantage of that data.

Every home improvement business - from roofers to windows to flooring, painting, siding, solar and more - relies on driving leads. It’s a key component of your business. There are a ton of ways to do this. Most businesses use online lead aggregators, such as Contractor Appointments or Modernize. Many take advantage of neighborhood social media groups. People inevitably post in these groups asking for remodeling recommendations and some groups allow businesses to post as well. Using Google My Business, Yelp, and Facebook Reviews are important drivers of leads. Targeted paid ads, whether through Google or Facebook, can bring in potential customers. Even local networking can be a source of new business. 

But one of the most effective (and underused!) goldmine of leads is probably sitting right at your fingertips. Within your CRM, you have a huge database of past customers and prospects that can bring about incredible results. Here are some simple ways to take advantage of that information.

  1. Ask for referrals. According to a study by Texas Tech University, 83% of consumers say they’re willing to give referrals if asked. Unfortunately, we hardly ever ask them! Part of this reason is because it might feel awkward or uncomfortable. This is where technology can come to the rescue. Try sending a text message or email campaign to former customers asking for referrals. You can include a referral bonus if you want. Referral leads are 4x more likely to convert. Using software like Hatch, you can even set up regular automated follow-up campaigns to connect with former customers to ask for referrals. 
  2. Offer a customer “special deal.” When someone has already worked with you in the past, they are far more likely to work with you again in the future. Instead of asking for a referral from former customers, try enticing them to do more work with you themselves. A great idea for this is to offer a limited-time deal only available to former customers. This creates urgency and the sense of exclusivity that dramatically improves the chance that you will get a great response. 
  3. Revisit lost leads. Tons of people you may have talked with six months, a year, or even multiple years ago might still be interested in getting work done. Many prospects never got the work they were looking into completed. Send out text messages, emails, or phone messages checking in with these prospects. A simple message such as “Hi (Name), I’m just wondering if you ever got that siding job completed. I’d love to chat with you about it if you’re interested.” 
  4. Start nurturing them with education. You have a HUGE amount of knowledge. Be sure that you are sharing that knowledge with those in your database. Send a newsletter at least quarterly with tips for homeowners. Over time, these educational touch points will really add up in the minds of your customers and prospects. When they ARE ready to get work done, your name will be the first one in their mind. You’ve proven that you’re an expert in your field and they have come to trust you. 

Driving new leads is always a bit like juggling. You will have multiple balls in the air at any given time. It is critical, however, that the MOST IMPORTANT ball - your own database of prospects - is never dropped. Keep the lines of communication going and you’ll find success. The best way to do this is through automation.New call-to-action


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