Contact Center & Customer Experience

Post-Sale: Where Most Home Improvement Companies Fail

Too many home services companies miss out on this golden opportunity to create invaluable long-term relationships with customers.

The other day, I stumbled on this CNBC article from 2010.

I actually cringed when I got to the line highlighted below.

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Imagine any other company operating with this mentality - your customer just spent THOUSANDS of dollars on your services, yet they should be responsible for communicating with your company too?

I was so close to writing a letter to the editor for how WRONG this line is, but then I realized it was written 10 years ago and I'd look like a crazy person.

The sad thing is that even though we're 10 years out from this ridiculous article, most home services companies still operate with this mentality - once the sale is made, the all-too-familiar radio silence creeps in.


That's why most home services companies are failing at customer service and, as a result, missing out on positive reviews, referrals, and repeat business.

Communication Sets You Apart

As with most industries, the home services industry is plagued with "businesses" that give the industry a bad reputation.

Or, as we call them, "Chuck and Trucks." Aka, the guys who throw a ladder on the back of their truck and suddenly become a certified contractor.

You need to separate yourself from these characters and establish your company as a legitimate business that customers can trust - that's why you need to own communication and engagement.

Make Repeats & Referrals a Reliable Revenue Stream


What to Say to Customers

Setting up cadences is the easiest way to stay-in-touch with customers over multiple weeks after a sale has been made. With a built-out cadence, you can vary your touchpoints (emails, phone calls, and texts) and drop customers in for automated follow-ups.

Of course, you'll need to personalize your follow-ups. Here are a few ideas we've seen that customers love.

  • Updates on product. If the inventory is waiting to get delivered, just checking in with warehouse pictures or videos can be a nice touch and a good way to keep your customer excited after the sale has been made. This also keeps a constant line of communication open, and gives your customer an opportunity to ask any questions they may have about the project.
  • Installer introduction. If I had to guess, I'd say most homeowners aren't comfortable with strangers in their house (maybe I'm in the minority here?). Try getting customers acquainted with their installer by providing pictures of the installer and a quick bio. Even better? Record short interviews with each member of your installation team, upload them to YouTube, and provide the link to customers.
  • Provide appointment updates and calendar links. As a contractor, you're busy. As a customer, they're also busy. Keep in touch by providing appointment updates. To take this even further, provide calendar links with each check-in to let your customer change the installation date if something comes up. The more power you give a customer, the more they trust you, and the more likely you are to score a great review.

Persistence Pays Off

"I just paid thousands of dollars to this company to replace my windows and they won't leave me alone," said no one ever.

Even if that was the case, you still have a leg up on your competition - having a customer telling you to shut up is a lot better than having a customer reach out to you to find out information about the job.

Don't listen to CNBC on this one. That's why our motto is simple:

The businesses that talk the most, win the most.


Never miss a customer follow-up again with Hatch.

Get your hands on Hatch. Set appointments, pre-built playbooks for customer follow-up, and automated campaigns for touch-ups.Set More Appointments and Close More Deals: Download Now

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