Sales, Marketing, & Business Tips

Top Tips for Creating Sales Touchpoints

In sales, the team’s only goal with touchpoints is to elicit a response to move the customer forward in the sales cycle. In this article, we'll talk about our top tips to create great sales touchpoints.

On average, it takes 7 touchpoints before a customer starts to engage or internalize your message.

This stat is a basic marketing principle. In marketing, there has been plenty of creativity and innovation on how to engage customers, just take a look at what Hubspot has come up with.

In marketing, the team makes it their sole duty to engage the customer with as many touchpoints as possible. Even after the customer has engaged with the brand for the first time, their goal is to continue to build awareness and loyalty.  

But what about Sales Touchpoints?

A sales representative or sales assistant will continue to reach out with leads after they pass through a certain phase in the sales process. This is also often called “follow-ups”. 

 Touchpoints in this case can include:

  • A voicemail to check in on quote decision
  • A text with follow up questions
  • An email to provide detailed information
  • Postcard offering discount for returning customers
  • A call from call center representatives to set an appointment
  • Facebook message

The introduction of social media has allowed sales to get a little creative, but for the most part, there are three touchpoints that everybody uses. Calls with voicemails, emails, and text messages continue to support the sales cycle. 

With marketing having so many different touchpoint options, it may look easy for them to engage customers. For sales, being limited to only a few touchpoint types mainly text, calls, and emails-it can seem challenging. New call-to-action

The Goal of Sales Touchpoints

In sales, the team’s only goal is to elicit a response to move the customer forward in the sales cycle. 

For example, when a contact requests a demo, the sales team’s goal is to set an appointment. When the appointment finally runs, the sales team’s goal is to sell that customer or get a concrete ‘no’ answer.

The team continues to use touchpoints to engage with a customer, but their immediate goal changes. 

Tip One: Use message templates.

When you first get started with messaging customers, it makes sense to craft the perfect message to get the conversation on the right foot. Once you find messaging that works - keep using it. 

Save your ‘go-to’ messages in a word document that you can easily copy and paste from. 

Tip 2: Create a marketing ‘mix’.

Try to use a variety of different touchpoints and cadences to reach out to a customer.

If you find calling first isn’t getting a response, try sending a text message instead. Then, call or email afterwards. 

Tip 3: Reach out at the right times.

Picking the right times for different types of messages may be able to increase your response rate. 

For example, people tend to check their emails in the morning, but they might not answer a call until after their 9-5 ends.

Tip 4: Be Honest about Intentions

Marketing messaging sometimes has broad goals, but with sales messaging it's important to be clear in what you are looking to achieve. 

Are you wondering why they didn’t sign the dotted line? Ask them. Customers will be open to give you feedback as long as you aren’t pushy. Then, you might be able to dig into exactly what is holding them back.


How Hatch Helps Sales Teams

Hatch allows you to create multi-touchpoint campaigns with text, email, and voicemails over a 30 day period. You can even send templated messages to individual customers based on your sales process. 

Request a demo today to see Hatch in action. Set More Appointments and Close More Deals: Download Now

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