Google Local Services Ads (LSA) Integration

Respond to your LSA message leads quickly and easily with Hatch

How does the Hatch + LSA integration work?

When you integrate Hatch with Google LSA, you can automate an immediate response to your Google LSA leads, via text, email, and ringless voicemail. Here's how the flow works:


1. When a customer clicks on the "Message" button on your Google LSA ad, they will be brought to a window where they can provide their contact information and send a message.

google lsa message form

2. Once they fill out the form, they'll see a thank you message from Google LSA.

3. Hatch will sync with Google to bring your new lead into Hatch as a contact and launch them into your designated Speed to Lead campaign. Which means they'll receive whatever message(s) you have created for that campaign. Here's an example below:

google lsa speed to lead campaign example

4. Once the lead responds to your message, they'll appear on your Workspace and you'll get notified.

5. You can then jump in to engage with the lead, or your Hatch AI bot can do it for you.  

6. The outcome of the conversation will then dictate which column that conversation card ends up on your Workspace. If you are manually handling the conversation, you will move the conversation card. If your Hatch bot is handling the conversation, it will move the card according to the rules you have set.

Additional Reporting Functionality

As a required by Google, Hatch is also providing downloadable reporting metrics for your LSA campaigns. These metrics include clicks on your ad, impressions, and conversions. You can download the report by navigating to the app marketplace and clicking View Integration. If your LSA integration is active, you will see a download link:

How do I set up the Hatch + Google LSA integration?

Activating your integration is a simple process!

1. Connect Hatch to Google LSA

  1. Navigate to the App Marketplace within your Hatch account
  2. Filtering by "Lead Source," you will find the Google LSA integration. Click the Connect button.
  3. When you see the O-auth window, click to allow access to your Google LSA account. See the FAQ below for notes and clarification on what you're giving Hatch access to. 
    Note: you must authorize with a user that has permission to both read and write in the LSA account (the minimum permission level is Standard).
  4. On the next screen, you will see a list of LSA business IDs associated with your user account. Select one.

2. Set up an autoresponder within Google LSA

The Hatch integration allows you to set up an auto-responder to the lead in your LSA account. It is important to set this up for two reasons:

1. This lets the lead know you've received the request and that you will be contacting them outside of the LSA messaging app (aka via your Hatch campaign).

2. Google displays your average response speed in your ad, and also ranks faster-responding businesses higher. However it only measures response times for messages sent within the LSA messaging platform. This auto-responder message occurs within the LSA platform so your immediate response time will be recognized.

Here is what we recommend for your autoresponder message:

Thanks for reaching out to us at [[COMPANY NAME]]! We've received your request and will be reaching out to you shortly via our direct line of communication. We look forward to assisting you!


How fast will my message reach my Google LSA leads?

Hatch is syncing with Google LSA every 15 minutes. 

Your leads from other sources typically get a message from Hatch instantaneously. This is because those sources offer what's called a webhook, which allows for real-time syncing. Google LSA does not offer a webhook integration, only "near real-time" syncing. 

Even so, integrating with Hatch may offer your team efficiencies through automation and standardization, especially if you have a hard time reaching leads quickly through Google LSA's options. 

Why are leads coming in without a first or last name?

Google LSA does not make the first or last name fields required on their form.  You may see these leads in your LSA notifications listed as "Potential Customer". 

Hatch is able to accept the leads without that information, but it may cause interference with your campaign if your campaign is utilizing the [[Contact First Name]] or [[Contact Last Name]] snippets. We recommend that you remove these snippets from the campaign you are using for LSA speed to lead. 

Am I giving Hatch full access to my Google LSA account?

When setting up your integration, Google will show a consent window (also known as O-auth), indicating that "Hatch wants permission to do anything you [the user] can do in your Google LSA account."

Hatch doesn't actually want or need all of that permission; this is just the narrowest scope of permissions the Google Ads API offers for setting up integrations. So even though you're giving us permission to access your whole account, we will only access parts of it. 

Here's what that means.

Hatch will use its API access to do only the following:

  • Read the data from the Customer resource associated with the user (to provide the business selection screen and confirm the timezone)
  • Read the data from the Local Services Lead and Local Services Lead Conversation resources
  • Write the auto-response message back to the Local Services Lead Conversation resource

Hatch will not use its API access to do any of the following:

  • Read your performance data
  • Create or edit any campaigns, ads, or ad groups
  • Create or edit any settings, including targeting, bidding, or scheduling
  • Set or change budgets
  • Set, apply, or dismiss recommendations
  • Edit billing information