Integrations Overview

This article covers the different integration methods that Hatch offers.

Getting Data Into Hatch

Native Integrations

The Hatch App Marketplace contains a number of prebuilt integrations for you to use. If you are a Hatch Manager, you can explore the apps that are popular amongst our users including CRMs, lead sources, and more.

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Contacts API

The Contacts API can be used to push data that will create new contacts/opportunities in Hatch. This can be useful if you have a data source that Hatch does not offer a native integration for. Learn more about how to use this API here


Hatch's public Zapier app can be used to create new contacts/opportunities within Hatch from many of Zapier 5000+ apps. Learn more about how to use the Contact Created trigger here

CSV Import

This is a useful tool for one-time imports of data such as a contact list for a specific campaign. Check out tips and tricks for using the csv importer here.

Getting Data Out of Hatch


Webhooks are a common integration pattern that allow for consumption of real-time Hatch events. Learn more about the different webhook triggers that Hatch offers here. 


Hatch's public Zapier app can be used to trigger actions when a Hatch contact sends or receives a communication. Learn more about how to use the Inbound Communication and Outbound Communication triggers here


Stay tuned! Hatch does not currently offer a public API to export data. Our product team is interested to hear any specific use cases, so please feel free to share any feature requests through your account manager or our support team. 

One-Time Exports

Our support team may be able to assist with a one-time export of data, depending on the use case.