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How a 4 Sentence Story Ignited This Roofing Business' Marketing [Podcast]

A simple story can be the most powerful marketing tool at your disposal.

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We shall do good work / At a profit if we can / At a loss if we must / But always good work

Regardless of the products you sell or the industry you're in, stories will always be the most powerful marketing tool at your disposal. 

And today, we've got a good one. 

On this episode of BuiltBy, I got a chance to speak with Todd Kavanaugh, Director of Marketing at Baker Roofing Company.

Todd and his team have really captured the essence of how valuable a story can be in your marketing and brand efforts, especially when it comes to differentiation. 

And it all started with a rusted metal sign from the early 1900s that sat hidden in the back of the company's original sheet metal warehouse.

In this episode, Todd and I discuss:

 🧠 Todd's philosophy and experience growing and transforming the marketing team at Baker.

 ⏮ The origin story of the story that accelerated BRC's marketing efforts.

 📣 Todd's approach to distribution (and how he had to challenge and overcome his own biases). 

 🙊 The perils of just trying to imitate success and not carving out your own unique story. Set More Appointments and Close More Deals: Download Now

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