Webinar recaps

How the iOS 14 Update Is Going To Affect Your Marketing [Podcast]

Confused by the iOS 14 update? Don't worry - us too. Thankfully our friends at Webrunner explain how they're preparing their clients for the update.

Watch 👆🏻 or listen 👇🏻:


I've been seeing news about the iOS 14 update A LOT lately - especially on the platforms we (and other home improvement / home services businesses) use to advertise. 

I tried to learn more about it...but I quickly realized it was way too confusing.

Thankfully our good friends (and partners) over at Webrunner were cool enough to join me on the podcast to explain it further in detail. 

In this episode, Marketing Director Ben Levesque and I discuss: 

  • What the iOS 14 update actually is (and why everyone's worried). 
  • How the update will affect your marketing (and, more specifically, your Facebook ads). 
  • What Webrunner is doing to prepare themselves and their clients. 
  • Precautions your team should take now so your budget and lead flow don't take a major hit. 
  • What Webrunner is seeing in terms of marketing and advertising this year so far. 
  • Ben's last tip - how to create better video ads and save yourself a ton of time. 


Links to things discussed in the episode:

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