Webinar recaps

How to Re-Engineer Your Home Improvement Sales Process & Win [Podcast]

Get insights into what makes the highest-performing sales team tick.

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"That's just the way we've always done it."

Nothing can be more detrimental to business growth than this line of thinking - and that's especially true for your sales processes.

This week, consultant, renowned speaker, and current VP of Sales Chuck Thokey joins us on the #BuiltBy podcast to talk about how he's accelerated sales teams (and doubled results) at each of the stops in his career.

In this episode, Matt and Chuck discuss:

🛠 Why the "if it isn't broke, don't fix it" mentality is costing you sales.

📈  What the most successful sales organizations over the last 20 years have been doing differently.

💭 Re-focusing on the stats that matter and why "close rate" isn't the stat you should be worried about.

❌ "False" metrics that can hurt the way you hit monthly goals.

😬 The mistake a lot of companies make when hiring sales managers.

🪜 How top-performing sales reps can take the next step in their career.

👌 Proven sales tactics that Chuck coaches his team on using.

Be sure to register for Chuck's next Top Rep event - https://www.topreptraining.com/ - to get even more insights into Chuck's sales methodologies

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