TurnPoint Brands Are Setting 58x More Appointments with Automated Sales Follow-up

This private equity firm has amplified the success of its brands by integrating Hatch with ServiceTitan.







The company

TurnPoint is a collection of local service businesses, or brands, that provide a variety of HVAC, plumbing, and other home improvement services across the US. By implementing modern technology into operations and removing obstacles, TurnPoint makes it easy for their brands to grow through top-quality service and a can-do attitude.

The problem

TurnPoint manages more than 50 brands with almost 6,000 team members and more than a quarter million calls answered on a monthly basis.

And while several of their brands were prospering, there were some that weren’t meeting the margins needed to turn a profit. 

Limited estimate follow-up

One reason for this is that the brands were doing manual estimate follow-up. Every TurnPoint brand uses ServiceTitan for their CRM, which helps them keep a robust and organized contact database. But as is the case with any CRM, it's still up to the user to take action on those contacts. 

And not just one action. It can take anywhere from 5-12 touches to close a deal, so it’s important to follow up multiple times after a quote has been sent.

But with new leads constantly coming in and appointments to run, it’s impossible for a representative to manually keep up with every quoted prospect. And being local businesses, TurnPoint brands don't have dedicated follow-up managers.


As a result, deals were slipping through the cracks, and these HVAC brands weren't able to capitalize on the wealth of targeting data that ServiceTitan provided them.


No tracking or visibility

Without automation, there was also limited no tracking or visibility into the sales process. 

“Sales follow-up was manual and unique to each rep, so we didn’t have a way to track or measure this process, let alone scale it,” says Brian Duncan, TurnPoint’s Director of Sales Enablement. “We needed a source of truth to tell us what was working and what wasn’t.”

To sum it up: With little or no sales follow-up, TurnPoint brands were losing deals and revenue; and with no visibility into the sales process, neither TurnPoint nor the brands could identify or solve this problem. They either needed to revive these brands or cut their losses.


The solution

That’s when one of TurnPoint’s corporate managers noticed that one of their brands, Tiger Services, was seeing above-average performance numbers. The reason? They were automating their sales follow-up with Hatch. It was then that TurnPoint decided to implement Hatch with all of their brands.

Automated sales follow-up

TurnPoint first implemented Hatch with brands that were at risk. This was easy to set up, as Hatch both integrates with and is a strategic partner of ServiceTitan.

They then used Hatch's easy Campaign Builder and templates to create their sales follow-up Campaigns.

With these, a series of personalized emails and text messages automatically send out to prospects a certain number of days after a quote had been sent, and keep sending until the prospect responds.


Hatch's advanced targeting allows you to create custom audiences based on any combination of criteria in your CRM. In this case, the brands were using ServiceTitan.

Now, with Hatch following up on every quoted prospect for them, all that's left for sales reps to do is engage with the prospects who are responding. This enables them to stay on top of every prospect while freeing up the time needed to close those deals.

“Hatch has made a huge difference for sales reps across all of our brands,” says Brian. Whereas they’d only follow up with a prospect once or twice after sending a quote, they’re now reaching out the four, five plus times needed to get the response—for every prospect—without having to lift a finger. We’ve prevented countless missed opportunities with this tool.”

“We've prevented countless missed opportunities with this tool."


Trackable campaigns

Once all brands were onboarded with Hatch, TurnPoint now had a way to track sales follow-up outreach across text, email, and voicemail—and see the results—all in one location.


Standardized processes

With the implementation of Hatch, TurnPoint now also had a uniform sales follow-up process—something they didn’t realize was missing before.

Sure, campaigns varied from brand to brand, but the process of creating, launching, tracking, and reporting on follow-up campaigns was now standardized across brands. Hatch had simplified and streamlined their sales strategy, making it less resource-heavy, and most importantly, scalable.

Hatch had simplified and streamlined their sales strategy, making it less resource-heavy, and most importantly, scalable.

The results

Over the past six months, TurnPoint brands have seen massive results with Hatch. While revenue numbers are confidential, we can share that TurnPoint has seen significant growth, and we can also share the increases in activity and engagement behind that growth.

113x more follow-up communication

With Hatch automation, TurnPoint brands were able to increase their volume of sales follow-up messages 113x, or an 11,300% increase.

turnpoint brands hatch success story - 113 more follow-up messages

69x more engagement

In addition, they received 69x more responses, which is a 6,900% increase in engagement.

In fact, more than 100 TurnPoint brand campaigns have a response rate of 60% or higher, compared to the industry average of 20%. 



58x more appointments

With this higher volume and higher quality of messaging, TurnPoint brands are also seeing an increase in appointments—from 361 appointments in September 2023 to 21,332 appointments in April 2024. That's 58x higher, or a 5,800% increase.


turnpoint brands hatch success story - 58x more appointments

Higher returns on ServiceTitan

Needless to say, now that they are equipped to do personalized follow-up at scale, all TurnPoint brands—even the ones that were at risk—are now thriving. And they're able to make even better use of ServiceTitan's CRM capabilities.

“The visibility is a game-changer for us,” says Brian. “Now, we can identify when a brand or rep is showing exceptional results and pinpoint the reason for it, which then gives us a playbook to implement so that we can amplify that success across our brands.”

turnpoint brands hatch success story - overview


“The visibility is a game-changer for us."

TurnPoint & Hatch:

Brian is excited at both what Hatch has done for TurnPoint brands and what it will continue to do.

Looking back...

With Hatch, TurnPoint has vastly improved their data visibility and created a unified process across their brands, bringing profitability to their business.

“It’s important that we equip our brands with the technology they need to succeed. What has made Hatch so successful for us is that it gives TurnPoint, as a whole, the ability to standardize processes across brands while also giving each brand, as a unique entity, the ability to customize according to their specific needs.”

...And looking ahead 

While TurnPoint is thriving with their estimate follow-up campaigns, they look forward to tapping further into the Hatch and ServiceTitan integration to scale their brands to even greater heights.

Speed to lead

As one example, they have implemented their first Speed to Lead campaign, which automatically reaches out to new leads to qualify and book appointments.  In the past 6 months, that one campaign alone has influenced 1,000 deals.

hatch AI turnpoint success story - speed to lead results
Recurring services

Another feature TurnPoint brands will be looking to leverage is the new Recurring Services update to the Hatch + ServiceTitan integration, which allows them to automate their outreach and appointment booking for past-due or upcoming recurring services.

AI agents

And last, but certainly not least, TurnPoint is excited about Hatch AI, which allows you to train AI agents to converse with leads and customers to engage, qualify, and set appointments. Hatch AI bots are handling thousands of conversations each month and reaching resolutions 67% faster—saving sales and service teams hours per week and creating a better experience for the customer.

time and cost savings with hatch ai

“Hatch automation has yielded us an incredible return on investment, so we’re eager to see how we can further scale that success with Hatch AI,” he says. “Our brands work hard to provide their customers with the best experience possible, and this tool will make this easier while providing a great experience for the brands themselves.”

“With Hatch we’ve been able to standardize and scale our sales follow-up, dramatically increasing revenue while saving our reps the headache. The ROI is a no-brainer.”

Hatch integrates ServiceTitan as well as dozens of other CRMs and lead sources.  To learn about using Hatch for your sales and service communication, book a demo today or try Hatch AI for yourself.

Turn conversations into revenue with Hatch 

Find out how you can use Hatch AI to turn conversations into revenue and reduce overhead costs. Request a personalized demo below.