Why Hatch?

Three words: Response rates, ROI, and revenue.

Who we are

Trusted by 1,000's of home improvement companies and contact centers, Hatch is an AI-powered customer contact platform using text, email and voice across the entire customer journey.


Why we exist

When businesses reach the “scale-up” stage, they are dealing with more leads, more deals, more customers, and more employees. If you don't address the infrastructure problems that come along with scaling, you will lose leads, potential revenue, and eventually, growth.

It’s essential that companies think about how to maximize every lead, every opportunity and every customer.

$75B is lost annually due to poor customer communication
and services.

Shep Hyken, Forbes

65% of consumers have cut ties with a brand over a single poor customer service experience.


The #1 stressor for contact center agents today is too many incoming contacts.

CCW Digital

The Expansion Trap

Without the right systems in place, something will break – appointment set rates dip due to lack of speed, close rates drop due to inconsistent sales follow-up, or customer satisfaction scores dip because customers are left in the dark post sale.

Typically this has been solved by hiring people to “hit the phones”, building a contact center with frankensteined software, adding managers to “stay on top” of things, asking your best employees to “be better,” and buying more leads to make up for the revenue loss.

Scaling this is difficult and unreliable. Leads and employees are expensive. Inadequate systems exacerbate inefficient communication, and overworked employees lead to burnout and poor customer experiences. The things you do to try to fix the poor customer experience and revenue loss are perpetuating the cycle.


Breaking the Cycle

Today, the best-in-class companies combine their best people with modern, well-integrated technology and see immediate results.

Hatch was built to solve this in one place.

Integrate and set goals

Hatch integrates with the technology and lead sources you already use. Once connected, set goals for each segment of the customer journey:
  • Speed-to-lead: Reach all inbound leads immediately and improve appointment set rates.
  • Sales follow-up: Never miss following up with appointments that didn’t sell.
  • Nurture: Rehash old leads and customers already in your system.

Automate outreach

Hatch Campaigns are fully customizable for each step of the customer journey, automatically communicating to your leads and customers using multi-step sequences of text messaging, email, and voice over multiple days.

Increase your response rate and get more at bats with the leads you've already paid for.

Let AI do the work

With Hatch AI, every message that comes into your business gets answered immediately. Train bots to answer questions about the business, follow a script that you control, route leads to the right employees, and take actions in both Hatch and your CRM.

Hatch AI can even set appointments directly on your calendar with no human interaction.


Improve your reply rates.
Grow your revenue.

Ready to see how Hatch can get your prospects to respond? Request a demo today.