Industry News & Insights

Home Improvement Selling in 2020 - 6 Predictions

2020 is approaching quickly! Have you solidified your game plan for sales and marketing yet? Check out these predictions to help you plan for the year.


It’s hard to believe that 2019 is almost over, but I wanted to take a minute to give you the scoop on some trends and predictions we see that will make a major impact on businesses in the home improvement industry over the next year. 

These six predictions are the guiding factors in how we’re building and positioning Hatch for 2020, and I figured you’d find it interesting too!

Conversational Selling

Did you get a chance to read our recent blog on conversational selling? 2020 is going to be the year of the conversation. As your customers continue to look to their cell phones, you need to get in front of them with authentic text messages that build trust with conversation.

Website Chat and Lead Capture

How many times have you seen this scenario - someone comes into your showroom, looks around and exits without leaving their contact information or talking to a rep? That’s what happens when the majority of people hit your website.

As web chat continues to evolve, it is shaping up to be the strongest lead generation tool for home improvement businesses - take this under consideration as you plan your marketing budget for 2020.

Mobile Conversation Platforms

Speed-to-lead is crucial. Customer response is crucial. Your team needs access to a platform for continued conversations outside of the office. That’s why our focus for this year is mobile - we think it’s going to be an absolute game changer for B2C and B2B sales and marketing teams. 

In-Depth Reporting

It can be difficult to wrap your head around terms like KPI and ROI, and that's why reporting will become much more user-friendly this year. Every business should have the ability to click a button and see if what they’re paying for is actually working - that’s why we’ve made reporting our primary differentiator - including building a ROI calculator right here on our website!

Inside Sales Teams

This one is a huge game-changer for companies in your industry - refining call centers into inside sales teams. As conversation platforms like Hatch continue to become more robust, you’ll find a lot of cross-collaboration between departments.

Be on the lookout for our upcoming eBook, The Ultimate Guide to Building Your Inside Sales Team, which will hit your inbox in early January!

AI & Automated Response

AI was a big buzzword this year and for good reason - automation helped companies grow by eliminating a lot of unnecessary administrative tasks. You’ll start to see a lot more on AI built specifically for appointment setting.

So there you have it - six predictions of what we think will impact your industry in 2020. I hope you're as excited for this year as we are!

Happy engaging! 🤘Set More Appointments and Close More Deals: Download Now

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