Webinar recaps

How a Startup Builder/Remodeler Grew Into a Franchise [Podcast]

Learn how Hatfield Builders & Remodelers found success and joined the exclusive Alair Homes franchise.

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What does it take to grow a builder/remodeler business from the ground up and join a franchise?

Dynamic duo (and husband/wife) Chad and Diane Hatfield built (and continue to operate) a successful homebuilding/remodeling company in Texas from the ground up – but it wasn’t always roses. 

Join Matt, Chad, and Diane as they revisit some of the most challenging times in building Hatfield Builders & Remodelers before joining the exclusive Alair Homes franchise as Alair Homes - Plano. 

In this episode, they discuss:

🔄 Why Chad had to pivot into remodeling early.

🏘 How Chad and Diane built their remodeling business off a single job (and watched it spider web into multiple projects). 

⚡️ How they leverage relationships with small communities for tons of repeats/referrals. 

🍺 The bar room encounter that changed Hatfield's entire trajectory. 

 🔎 What to look for when outsourcing your marketing to an agency. 

🛠 Chad and Diane's #1 tip for anyone in the home improvement industry right now. 


 Other content you might find interesting 


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