Webinar recaps

Is the One-Call Close Dying or Thriving In Home Improvement? [Podcast]

Watch as two industry pros debate whether the one-call close is a dying sales methodology, or if it's alive and well in the home improvement industry.

The enigma of the one-call close.

Should sales reps throw everything but the kitchen sink at potential customers on the first call in the hopes of securing the deal?

Or should reps treat the sale as a relationship, bringing a consultative approach to selling in the hopes of building trust and securing the job (and more from referral business)?

Watch 👆🏻 or listen 👇🏻:


In this episode of #BuiltBy, Matt recaps this first-ever live debate, where Vic Sun of OneLeg Marketing and Dominic Caminata of Grosso University face off to find out – does it make sense to sacrifice the short-term in the hopes of gaining long-term loyalty...

...Or focus on the now to bring home the bacon?


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