Optimize the entire customer journey

Use Hatch AI to enhance satisfaction and conversion across every stage of your funnel, from lead to loyal customer.

Speed to Lead

If you don't respond to your home improvement leads within five minutes, they're as good as gone. With instant lead engagement, you can beat competitors to every lead, set more appointments, and get a higher ROI on your lead sources.

How it works

  1. Connect Hatch to all your lead sources—your website forms, CRM, and lead aggs like Angi and Thumbtack.

  2. Use the easy Campaign builder with optional (but proven!) templates to create a sequence of personalized outreach and follow-up messages—via text, email, ringless voicemail.

  3. As soon as a new lead comes in, your outreach sequence will automatically trigger.

  4. As soon as they respond, you'll a notification so you can then jump in and engage in real time.

  5. Handle all of your text, email, and phone conversations with them right inside of Hatch.

Why it matters

The home improvement market is fierce! Lead aggregators sell one lead to four or more contractors, and homeowners expect fast responses and convenience.

  • 78% of consumers go with the business that reaches out first.

  • 82% of homeowners expect to hear from you within 10 minutes.

  • Responding within five minutes can increase conversion rate by 900%.

  • 69% would prefer for an unfamiliar company to contact them over text messaging, rather than over the phone.

Beat your competitors to every lead.
Beat your competitors to every lead.
Automated, but personalized outreach.
With automated, but personalized outreach.
Connect to any lead source.
Connect to any lead source.
Jump in when the contact responds.
Jump in when the contact responds.
Text, voicemail, call, email - over any number of days.
Text, voicemail, call, email – over any number of days.
Assign conversations so no leads get missed.
Share and conversations so no leads get missed.
Personalize and adjust for specific contacts, holidays, and schedules.
how long does it take you

Speed to Lead

78% of consumers go with the company that reaches out to them first. With instant lead engagement, you can beat competitors to every lead, set more appointments, and get a higher ROI on your lead sources.

  • Direct integration with lead sources
  • Engage leads within seconds
  • Continuous follow-up

"We never thought we could get to every new lead within a minute, but we are with Hatch."

marci katz 3-1 Marci Katz VP of Sales

Sales Follow-up

It takes 5-12 follow-ups to win a sale, and yet most businesses average about 1.5. By automating your follow-up with Hatch, you can close more deals while saving hours.

"Our reps don't have the time to follow up after every appointment. Hatch puts that on autopilot so we can sell more jobs without any of the extra work."

board-store-testimonial-card-image Alissa Wilson Sales Team Lead


10% of the old leads sitting in your CRM right now are just a text away from buying. Use Hatch to turn your aged leads, canceled appointments, and partially sold jobs into rich pipeline in no time.


"We made $1M in eight months just by following up on old, unsold estimates."

TSR-Concrete-Coatings-Case-Study-Logo Jeff Gear Owner

Customer experience

It's 7x more expensive to acquire new customers than it is to retain existing ones. Use Hatch for appointment reminders, project updates, and ongoing engagement that fosters satisfaction and loyalty.

"We can literally touch any single person in our database, in a matter of seconds, for any reason. And the best part is, we've already paid for that customer."

casey-sprabary-strittmatter Casey Sprabary Marketing & Recruiting Manager

Turn conversations into revenue with Hatch AI.

Get a personalized demo to see how you can improve conversion and customer satisfaction while saving hours.